Fic: Murderous Imprint (Ch. 13)

Oct 30, 2012 15:43

Title:  Murderous Imprint
Writer:  mojoflower
Status of work: (13/20)
Characters and/or pairings:  Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Lestrade, Molly, Sherlock/John (eventually)
Rating:  T this part
Warnings: none
Length:  3,175 this chapter (42K total)

Sherlock should be focusing on the series of brutal vivisections Lestrade has brought to him. Instead he's distracted by a most amazing and unexpected experimental opportunity from the basement apartment of 221C. Will he figure out the one in time to stop the other? And does he need help in order to do it? An AU. Eventual Johnlock.

**Inspired by  this bizarre dream oftartancravat, now forever to be worshipped as “Founder of the Hatchling!Fic / Egg!Fic Genres” (even if I did add wings).

***I am cross-posting this.  So sorry if you get multiple copies!

Ch 1      Ch 2      Ch 3      Ch 4       Ch 5       Ch 6     Ch 7     Ch 8     Ch 9     Ch 10     Ch 11     Ch 12

Chapter 13:  The Disco Den: 
Read on LJ on AO3  on FF

wing!fic, vivsection, johnlock, egg!fic, sherlock, surprising egg, john, hatchling!fic, winglock

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