Title: New Beginnings (2/2)
Author: Ragna (
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Sherlock/Doctor Who/Torchwood
Characters: John Watson, Amy Pond, Jack Harkness, River Song, Rory Williams, Maickey Smith and Martha Jones in this part.
Spoilers: Set post-“The Reichenbach Fall” for Sherlock, post-“Children of Earth” for Torchwood, and set pre-“Asylum of the Daleks” for Doctor Who.
Summary: John Watson was just floating along in his life after Sherlock’s death, but Jack Harkness finds him and offers him the chance to give his life meaning again.
Authors Notes: So this was supposed to be the second fic in my “A New Life” series (located at
anewlife_fic), but I figured it worked better as the second part of the first story in the series. So I promise I’ll eventually write the second story, I just figured I’d add onto the first, where it made more sense. Part one can be found
LJ |
AO3 |
Tumblr Title: Then And Now
Author: Ragna (
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Sherlock/Doctor Who
Characters: Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Sherlock Holmes in this part; Rory/Amy is the main ship.
Spoilers: None, as this is set pre-series for both shows.
Summary: Rory decides to stay with an old friend as he studies to be a nurse. No one told him exactly how much had changed since the last time he got to see Sherlock Holmes.
Authors Notes: Finally started updating this again! I hope you guys enjoy this new part. I don’t think this fic is going to be as long as, say, “When In University…” but it might be a bit on the longer side.
LJ |
AO3 |