The Rescue (2/2)

Jul 03, 2012 17:03

Title: The Rescue (2/2)
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Doctor Who/Sherlock
Characters: The Doctor, Amy, Sherlock, John, Auntie, Uncle, Nephew, House and Idris.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. I wish I did, but I don't.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: John’s first adventure with the Doctor doesn’t go according to plan at all.
Authors Notes: Part of my “All Of Time And Space” series (aotas_fic). This part just wrote itself, basically, and for that I am glad.

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general, rating: pg, character: john watson, fanfic, sherlock/amelia pond (doctor who), gen, character: sherlock holmes, au, crossover

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