Sherlock Fic: Five Times Sherlock Didn't Have a Heart, and One Time He Did, Part 3 of 6

Jun 21, 2012 04:29

Title:  Five Times Sherlock Didn't Have a Heart, and One Time He Did, Part 3 of 6
Author:  PipMer
Rating:  PG
Characters:  Sherlock, John, Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, Original Characters, Harry Watson
Genre:  Friendship, angst, hurt/comfort
WordCount:  1043 this part
Warnings:  A spot of violence in one part, minor character death in one part
Disclaimer:  I don't own, no money is being made from this.
Summary: What the title says.

Chapter Summary :  Mycroft bears the brunt of Sherlock's cruelty.

On my LJ On AO3

fic, angst, category: friendship, rating: pg, bbc, character: mrs. hudson, character: john, gen, wip, hurt/comfort, character: sherlock, character: mycroft

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