Title: If You Should Die Before You Wake, Chapter 2 of ?
Author: PipMer
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Mary Morstan, Sebastian Moran, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Mike Stamford, Molly Hooper
Pairing: John/Mary
Spoilers: for the entire show
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: non-graphic violence, some swearing, minor character deaths
Wordcount: 3492 this part, 8960 so far
Genre: Drama, angst, epic Sherlock/John friendship.
Disclaimer: I don’t own, no money is being made from this
Summary: Post-Reichenbach/Hiatus/Empty House fic. This is how I see episode 1 of season 3 playing out. What happens to Sherlock and John in the time between Sherlock's Fall and his return? Expect lots of angst.
Prologue on LJ Prologue on AO3 Chapter 1 on LJ Chapter 1 on AO3 Chapter 2 on LJ Chapter 2 on AO3