Fic: Tea and Conversation

Jun 03, 2012 03:17

Title: Tea and Conversation
Author:  PipMer
Characters:  Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Mycroft, Mary
Pairing:  Sherlock/John, John/Mary
Spoilers: Series 1 and 2
Rating:  PG
Wordcount: 4681
Genre: Friendship, pre-slash, humour, angst
Disclaimer:  I don’t own, no money is being made from this
Summary:   Sherlock is out of town on a case.  John is snowed in and can't find the tea.  Text messaging ensues.  Can be read as a sequel to It's for an Experiment although can also be read on its own.

A/N:  A kind reader of my first texting story said she'd read more in this style, so I decided to write a second one.  The first story was strictly gen; this one veers into pre-slash, although nothing remotely explicit.  Let me know if this works; I intended for the emphasis to be more on friendship than on actual romance.

Totally unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine.

On my LJ On AO3

fic, angst, category: friendship, rating: pg, bbc, fanfic, character: john, character: di lestrade, sherlock/john, character: sherlock, pre-slash, character: mycroft, humor

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