Sep 02, 2009 12:01
So third day on the hill....and here is what i learned, be on hill over a hour before need to be, so that you can get a decent parking space. and even if you dont get a good one then the time will be used for a walk up the hill, and if you dont do this, then one of two things will happen, you run until you think your legs are gonna burn off (this was todays method) or you are late for class (monday's method,)
So other than that important and valuable lesson, things are gonna ok. I'm already a bit behind on my reading and i need to desperatly find a balance in life....i'm on a tette-rtodder and i'm falling the wrong side of right. but that i quess is to be expected with so many things happening all at the same time.
ok, so i'm excited to say that 100 monkeys will be comin to nashvegas, and i think i'm gonna go.
i can't decide.
i want to.
but money.
its always money.
stupid money.
alas i digress. in a word wow. So the trip as a whole was amazing. and i had so much fun....i could sit here, and say well this bugged me ie, the car in the parking lot that hit my new car.....but i'm not gonna do it. overall the trip was amazing. I have to say that my fave part that is also the funniest was the rambolings of one trista jade while on the biggest sports high ever....this way...that way...bring friend....make me breakfast.....hehe....greatness.
the sears tower....was breath-taking i'm so impressed by it. especially the glass boxes wow....that was
walking around the city, no matter how painful it was, was amazing....that city is beautiful. the water taxi was pier....omg, its just wow....
ah, i could go on and on...but i'll spare you.
so i have to say i'm more than annoyed that i dont reconize anyone on campus...i mean no one. and i haven't seen anyone that i know...not aj, katie h, rachel m, catlin ott, heck not even tyler allen.....where are the people i know... are you all hiding.
ok, so i'm gonna print stuff now. and then buy a smoothie adn walk over to snell....