Catching Up

Oct 13, 2005 14:12

To all my friends who wished me a happy birthday yesterday:
Thank you.

The day was nice, despite the rain. No teasing job interviews, like last year. No hustle or bustle. Not much of anything, in fact.

But I got a great present from Jesse: paid LJ membership!! I'm still tweaking everything (a damnable lack of scanner keeps me from putting in a new mood set) but I'm most happy with it. For one thing, I have room for 15 icons... I don't even have that many made! That's just the beginning, too. Very good present. =)

The evening was fine. Got wasted and watched "Elephant." Not a great choice of film, primarily because it's not very good. 'An Abercrombie snuff film,' I'd be tempted to call it.

I think I should feel older now. My first quarter-century is over and done. There's precious little youth left to me. Yet, I feel the same. After spending yesterday having fun, I feel especially depressed today about my lack of job. No twitch in my eye, strangely, but no gladness in my heart. Typical cycle, I suppose, but it seems like now's the time when something new should happen.

jobs, birthday, twitch

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