of a bad morning and girlfriends

Sep 22, 2011 09:29

had a terrible morning. 
because it was raining, i have been extremely tired because of sch, training and work [when i get to work]. didn't help that my ankle, knee and wrist [all on the left side of my body], and back are all aching.

first two quizes have been self-diappointing. below average both. one worse than below average, like far worse. hate people who don't study and score better than me. 
two midterms next week and bloody hell i need to start studying.

okay. rants over.

met the girls at marmalade pantry, ion, for a short meet up before ling returns to the UK. it was a good time! the good old days where nothing much has really changed; apparently i'm still scolding chang like a mummy, chang still eats alot of our food, jing still loves her desserts, and ling  is still rich. hahahs. 
i miss hanging out with them more often [like in between class] and laughing ourselves silly over bimbotic comments.

miss JC days like crap. 
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