Day 3
Top Three Amy Episodes
3.) When You Comin’ Back Range Rider
This isn’t really a favorite episode of mine. It was in season two and unfortunately by that time Amy barely had anything to do. However, this episode marks the only time she ever had a love interest. The guys had them on a fairly regular basis but Amy just had this one time. It was nice to see her get a bit of attention from a client for a change. His name was Daniel Running Bear. Not much of a looker if you ask me, but he had good taste. She also got to fire flaming arrows in this episode. That’s pretty cool. I wish this skill would have come back into play in later episodes, but alas, that would have taken away focus from the guys
2.) A Nice Place to Visit
I mentioned this episode in my day 1 post. This is the episode where she went all Straw Dogs (a very, very, very mild version of Straw Dogs) on the bad guys. This is a very cool episode for Amy. I must give the writers credit for this. This show was pretty sexist (I know, different times and all that) but this time they actually allowed Amy to handle herself. She ran off the bad guys. She did everything she could think of to protect herself and their pregnant friend and it paid off. The guys didn’t have a hand in saving her. She took all the experiences she had had up to that point and used them well. She didn’t panic at all. I really love the whole scene for letting Amy be the hero. It showed how strong a person Amy was. It also showed her as an individual, not just a pretty prop or someone for the guys to rescue.
1.) One More Time
First of all, this is a great episode for my A-Team OTP (Amy/Murdock). But Amy has one great moment that I have to single out. Hannibal, Face, and BA all get captured by the MPs and Murdock and Amy have to save them. The scene in question is near the end of the episode. Murdock has been in charge the whole time and he’s in the middle of telling Amy what the plan is, when they spot Face about to be executed. Murdock just kind of stares like a deer in headlights. He’s totally frozen. (Understandable btw. If my bff was about to be killed, I don’t know that I could move either). Anyway, Amy’s not frozen. She fires off a flare gun into some barrels of gasoline. This distracts the bad guys and saves Face. It also knocks Murdock out of his stupor. It’s such a small moment that may not even be meant to be interpreted that way. Still, I love it.