Attended Jackie's birthday at
Sammy's. Twas seriously good Jew craic. Met lots of new folks and Mark's parents were there and weirdly, virtually adopted me (later making me an egg cream from scratch with Fox's Ubet syrup and seltzer water- awesome)- his Da was quite the hoofer, as was Jackie's Russian Pops who kept my glass filled and got up every 5 minutes to drunkenly throw his arms into the air, snapping and howling at the ceiling in his own little jig. Her mum was fucking WASTED on vodka and hilariously sat, nodding off. She was like a russian Katie Fitch (40 years hence), darringly slutty in a leopard-print top with peep holes in the shoulders and her eyebrows tweezed and repainted on in provocative ginger arcs.
Those altercockers could fucking PARTY. It really made me miss my own mum and dad. Jackie was pretty ripped herself, as we later had to scoop her off the floor at The Library bar, end of night.
There were pickles, latkes, meat, jars of schmaltz(!), and vodka frozen in blocks of ice, abound. Sing-alongs proceeded through the night, and at one point this sweet little kid about 11 or 12, David, got up and sang a Beatles tune (that i seemed to have been too drunk to remember) and played the Cassio while his stage mum beemed proudly at her table. At one point, the first day of Hanukkah was acknowledged and a cheer released, then we danced some more.
AND i got a sweet t-shirt before we left, that says "Schmaltz It Up at Sammy's!"
Soooooo much better than Chuck E Cheese. But then Chuck never offered Grey Goose.