Theme #2 - Wild ARMs Alter Code: F - Rudy/Jane

Jan 13, 2007 22:51

Title: Sugar-Free Sweetness
Author: Kanon
Theme: Candy Heart
Couple/Fandom: Rudy/Jane, Wild ARMs Alter Code: F
Word Count: 670
Rating: G
Warnings: None.

Rudy had to wonder how he usually ended up around Jane when they stopped in Court Seim. He wasn’t complaining or anything, but it did seem odd that the others usually found things to distract themselves with when they all came here. Cecilia was tweaking her Crest Graph line-up, Emma was talking with Nicholi in the basement, Jack and Magdalen were eating lunch and discussing sword techniques next door, and Zed was just goofing off and amusing the kids with his usually humorous bravado.

As for Rudy and Jane, they were just engaging in some friendly banter about ARMs and whatever else happened to come up, although Jane was doing most of the talking. She was interrupted mid-sentence when there was a knock on her door. Apparently the kids had decided to either present a peace offering, or they just wanted to do something nice. At any rate, the taste left something to be desired.

“These things taste like chalk.” Jane looked like she had swallowed a lemon as she stared at the small bag of heart candies.

Rudy secretly agreed; they were pretty bad. “But it’s the thought that counts, right?” he said with a half smile.

“Hm, I suppose,” she murmured reluctantly. Jane cradled her face in her palm with her legs crossed, and it wasn’t long before a mischievous grin crossed her face. “But this does not appease the Warden.”

Rudy knew Jane well enough to know that the look on her face meant trouble. It still made him a bit uneasy, to be honest. He smiled nervously and said, “Hey…I think they gave you those candies to avoid that kind of thing.”

“Relax, it’s only a little water,” she said airily. Plus an offering of peace wasn’t worth anything if it didn’t please the recipient.

He couldn’t help but think that she’d go overboard after hearing that. He stood up with the intention to warn the kids, but he tried to cook up an excuse to leave without her suspecting anything. “Oh, um, I just remembered, I have to go…um, ask Jack about…something.” He mentally slapped his forehead. He would have been better off just keeping his mouth shut.

She smirked. “You’re a horrible liar, Rudy.”

Busted. She saw completely through his poorly worded fib. She looked into his eyes with some interest, as if she was trying to figure him out. It made him feel a little self-conscious, but he just blinked and stared back curiously.

“Knowing you,” she said as she held her chin, “you’re probably going to try and stop the water fight somehow.”

This could be fun. Having the extra interference made things more interesting, after all. Jane stood up and walked in front of him with a proud smile and her arms akimbo. “Tell you what. I’ll give you a two-minute head start! Aren’t you amazed by my generosity?”

Rudy didn’t trust himself to answer that, so he just kept his mouth shut and smiled uneasily.

“Oh, and did I mention that I’ve already started the timer?” she said as she looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

“Wha-?” he stared at her, looking a little dumbfounded.

“Better hurry up!” she interjected. “Time’s a wastin’!” Jane tapped an imaginary wristwatch and smiled with a faux-sweetness.

While he knew that she was just joking around, somehow that smile got to him. Rudy blushed a light pink and looked away as he stood up. “Uh, right!” he said as he walked somewhat stiffly out the door.

Jane shrugged at his odd reaction, and she started thinking about her sneak attack. It was kind of difficult, considering the time constraints. However, she certainly wasn’t distracted or curious about his reaction. No, not at all, that would just be ridiculous. As she fell deeper into her own denial, she noticed that there was only one minute left. Well, considering the situation, a kamikaze attack might be the best option. Maybe she could catch Rudy by surprise and get an explanation out of him.
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