Mar 29, 2013 18:19
Starting to eat a lot for dinner for the past two days. And you know what? I feel so fucking fat and guilty for eating. I don't even feel like eating, I don't even want to already. If only I was born slim and no matter how much I eat, I will still not get fat cos of high metabolism. Why I can't even maintain... Feeling so negative right now, really. What's the point of eating when I will just grow fat and can't grow slim... Yes, I have been exercising and that's why when I eat, I feel bad, sad, guilty and feel like just taking out all of the food I ate. Tbh, I am envious of those who ARE born skinny. People would prefer to be with skinny girls than fat girls, people would prefer you being super skinny than super fat, they can wear so many different kind of clothes, people might make fun of them for not eating but I think it is not as bad as being fat cos they make fun of you and then bully you etc. That's what I think.
Ahhh, from tomorrow onwards, don't expect me to eat a lot. I will resist the temptation of the food. I will EXERCISE and freaking OVERWORK myself, till I'm down on the floor and cannot even get up.