o1. I write almost everything (whether it be a story, an lj entry or a private diary entry) with someone in particular in mind. I don't have much to do with this person, and they probably never take time out to read any of those things, but I'd like to think that if they did they'd agree with something or other that I'd written.
o2. Sometimes I create whole conversations in my head, and these conversations don't always involve me- sometimes they're between American business men who may not even exist. Sometimes they sound almost Shakespearian.
o3. I spend a lot of time laying in my bed at 3am wishing that I wasn't laying there alone. Matt Shadows is always one of my first choices for who should be with me but I only have a single bed so one of us would be squished.
o4. I judge people continually- on what they're wearing, what they read, how they write/speak, how the look generally, what music they enjoy etc. I realise that people probably do the same to me and so I feel no guilt about how bitchy I can be.
o5. I list almost everyone know within my best friends list, but if I am 100% honest, Amy is the best friend I have ever had, and I think she knows that. Or at least, I hope she does.
o6. I still have re-occuring thoughts about self-injury, but I am too lazy to act on them.
o7. Every single time I read OOTP I cry when Sirius dies. I am aware of how much of a dork this makes me, but then I also visit mugglenet.com rather often and have actual Harry Potter theories, so the crying at a death takes a back seat on the loser scale.
o8. I honest to God love Aiden. And yet- I can pinpoint every single reason why people hate them, the first point being their not so good music.
o9. When I was laying in my tent in the pitch black at Download, hearing all the old & hairy men around the campsite growling about how much they'd like to hurt an emo, I was scared as shit. However, I do miss wandering around in the night, inhaling weed fumes and puking up pure Jagermeister in the disgusting bathroom stalls.
10. Sometimes I look into the mirror and think that, overall, I'm not that ugly. But then I feel like an idiot, because I am.
11. I totally fear never being loved, never losing my virginity and never having a relationship with another person ever- currently, that seems extreme, but sometimes that feels as though it's a definite given.
12. People who can not spell 'definite' make me want to gouge my own eyes out with a spoon. Just remeber 'finite' people, or at least, finite being linked to definite makes perfect sense to me.
13. I cry when people go offline right in the middle of a really good role play scene.
14. I usually put off reading magazine interviews with my favourite bands and I'm never really sure why- in case it shows them in a bad light? In case they say something irrational and annoying? I don't know.
15. I have a scarily violent streak. Mostly it just makes me scream angrily at unecersary moments, but sometimes I have the most vivid visions of crushing peoples ribcages and I actually hear the cracking.
16. The idea of violent sex with a number of men is rather appealing. But they'd have to be generally possesive and occasionally affectionate, also.
17. Everytime I eat chicken I feel a sickening guilt, but I really enjoy the taste.
18. I don't think I'll ever let go of My Chemical Romance- no matter what they do, they'll always mean something to me.
19. I can't explain exactly why I hate FOB, or rather, Pete Wentz- but, my God, the hate is fierce.
20. I keep inviting people to NJ with me and Amy, but honestly- I just want it to be us [I would invite Annie honestly, but I know that she would not be allowed].
My, aren't I uninteresting.