
Mar 31, 2007 15:27

Today I swam. Yes yes! And I had a whole lane to myself, no other swimmers buggering up my stroke!

My very out of practice stroke, of course, since I have not actually swam in... wow, a long time. Like, four or five years. It was like using muscles that had almost atrophied. My legs ache, my nose stings, I have a stitch in my side and my hair is like a horrible backcombed straw wig. And I feel awesome.

I re-learned a lot of things, such as: I really fucking LOVE swimming - seriously, I was grinning like an idiot for the first ten minutes because whee! Water! Aaaand water up the nose is desperately unpleasant but there's really no helping it; and fun as it is, it is real aerobic excercise that makes you gasp like a landed fish if you're out of practice (and out of shape); and the floor of the changing room is always freaking wet, so there's really no way around the fact that some item of your clothing will stick to you in a chlorinated way, all the way home.

I'm planning to do it four times a week and whenever else I can, at about one in the afternoon before the evening crowd. It's going to set me back an extra $40 a week, but I think it's worth it.


Today is just full of win.


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