Mar 02, 2010 15:29
So I noticed that StudyLink (Whose Name All Spit Upon) hadn't paid my study fees, so I called them on Friday and asked them what was going on and the nice man in the call centre figured out that some idiot had cancelled my application. I had to reapply and then go to the uni yesterday to beg for an extension, WHAT WITH THE FEES HAVING BEEN DUE YESTERDAY.
Then it turned out that the lecturer for Film 407 is on sick leave until at least mid-semester. So that class is now a second-semester course rather than a full-year one, and I had to queue many, many times in order to swap courses around so that my year is anything like balanced. Then I was told that in order to get the changes approved (what with it being Honours-level) I would have to get the signature of the head of Honours this year. Who is the lecturer of Film 407. Who is on sick leave until mid-semester.
Then my rent was due today and it turns out I still don't have money. Possibly this is because February is a short month and my dad gets paid sometime around the end of it and it takes a few days for the banks in Oman and NZ to process it. Either way, Jenni is likely unhappy with me.
Oh and then Gmail decided that it hates my computer, and will not let me load it at all.
This is one of those situations that might resolve itself tomorrow, or else drag on for a week or more depending on how many more snarls come up. In the meantime, FLAMES ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE.