Home from work. Feet hurt. So do thumbs. And knees. And back, oh my God. But I'm going to talk about the highlight of my day, which was, um, alphabetising the entire Graphic Novels section. And you're going to think this is truly sad, but I felt... really fulfilled. Possibly I should seek professional help.
It was freaking Herculean, because they were in absolutely no order (except "if it's too big for the shelf, it goes on top,") and it ended up taking me three and a half hours even after I'd drafted in help, and I killed my knees and my thumbs (comics heavy) and my back and my neck, but it was so satisfying, I can't even tell you. I'm one of those horrible people who want to alphabetise everything; the section has been that way for years, and I've always wanted to put it in order, so getting paid to do it is just a bonus. Until I (possibly foolishly) volunteered to do it, I had no idea how much I'd picked up from hanging around
scans_daily and Graphics on Cuba Street. But I realised while doing it that I knew a) how to alphabetise comic books (not by author, oh hell no), b) the order to put various Crisis books, crossovers, and Ultimate shenigans in, and c) just how little I know or care about manga. By the last hour we were like, "What? Another stray manga in our precious comics section? Cast it out! Onto the reject shelf!"
But seriously, I'm so proud of that section. First day on the job, I established myself as the go-to comics girl. I still get a little glow of pride every time I walk past it. It's my baby. Also, I totally found Sas' birthday present. *smug*