Sep 03, 2007 16:07
... which is a hell of a lot better than having them in my head.
Got my two wisdom teeth out an hour ago, and all I can do right now is burble and slur because my face is still numb. At least I've lost the jitters from the adrenaline in the injection, and rinsed my mouth out, which didn't last very long; it's going to be full of blood for hours. Eww.
Computer guy finally gave up on my laptop; I'll get it back when I have money to pay him, in the event that he demands the $75 consultation fee. Argh. Phoned around and found someone who apparently does know what to do with a malfunctioning LG, although they are somewhere in Wellington that I have never heard of. I'll ask around; I'll probably be going there with Sas anyway, since her laptop is almost as fubar as mine. :(
I really want to buy the ingredients for a trifle and live on it until further notice. What? It's soft and easily chewed! Aw, fine, I'll just have soup.
computery stuff,