
Dec 14, 2005 13:25

As i'm yet again procrastinating from finishing up my law school apps, I'm going to indulge on more worthwhile endeavors...paying homage to one of my faves:


The one thing you'll learn about this dude is that he's more than meets the eye. Underneath his chillaxin laid back demeanor, is a person with a lot of resilience, drive, and spunk. Don't let the monica gellar motif fool you...kboy is a bonafide don juan/casanova sprinkled with a heart of gold...(sorry...barf).

But in all seriousness, kboy is probably one of the most generous, considerate, low-drama (noticed i said low drama as opposed to NO drama), open-minded, non-judgmental, smart, fun, solid, and supportive friend a gal could ask for in a bud. Did i miss anything out?

In the relatively short span he's known me, kboy has seen me go through 3 completely bipolar career changes, a united nations sampling of men, a gazillion hairstyles, gallons and cartons of debauchery, 9838472934 questions about what to do with my life.....and despite the cornucopia of schizoness..instead of yelling at me to "JUST MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND"...he always reminds me (with a preface of "maaaaaannnn"), "life's too short schizo. i just want you to be utterly and truly happy." And he wasn't bullshitting.

After he left, new york just wasn't the same. He moved to the land of botox and silicone; I moved to the land of rain and more rain. He started his own biz; I was taking multiple choice tests on african civilizations and determining who's taller among Frankie, Johnny, Maxine. He's cultivating his enterprise; I'm persuading law schools that i'd make a fabulous schizo attorney. The future remains to be open as to what we're going to do, whom we're canoodling with, where we're going to be. And though the results of our plotting and dare I say "strategizing" for global dominance is TBD.....I can confidently say, "We'll always have New York."

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