Blogs? & FO

Apr 05, 2008 18:05

Who here has a blog? I think someone posted about this a couple of months ago, but I couldn't find the post. I made myself a blog a few weeks ago to showcase my creations and figured that I should finally tell someone about it!

Here's mine:
Add your own to the comments, and I'll check it out.

AND I never posted pictures of the DS lite cover I knit (Pattern by Kathryn Ivy). The seamless double-knit pouch (or should I call it a seamless slip-stitch pouch? either way..) is ingenious! I had to rip it out and re-start this about 4x though: I was knitting while watching a movie and kept finding out that I'd managed to knit the 2 sides together! Of course, this usually happened in one of the first few rows and I never noticed until nearly done. So I forced myself to pay attention and checked each row by pulling the 2 sides apart. From there, it was easy sailing. Or knitting.

(The colours are kind off in this pic.. the DS is blue, not white.)

blog, fo

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