Knitting yayness

Mar 23, 2008 02:37

I just got the book "Charmed Knits". For those who don't know, it's a knitting book of patterns inspired by the Harry Potter series. Some of the patterns include The Weasley Sweater, Molly's Amazing Technicolor Housecoat, Wizard Robe, Stdent Wizard Cap, House Scarves, House Sweater, Invisibility Shawl, and my personal favorite Clock Blanket. No Stripe-mione though. Maybe they'll come out with a part 2 later down the road. One can hope, right? I can't wait to go to the yarn store and get stuff to make some of these projects. Has anyone here made the clock blanket? I'd love to see how it looks.

In other news, I have 2 projects in the works at once. To most of you, this may not seem like such a big deal, but when I first started knitting, I couldn't fathom working on more than one thing at a time, or even having a humongous yarn stash. In my naive little knitting world, I figured I'd decide what I wanted to make, buy the supplies, completely finish making it, and then complete the ycle over again. The only reason I would have a "yarn stash" would be if there was leftover yarn after the intended project was complete, and then I would use it up the next time I made something with that material and color of yarn. Boy, was I misguided in my knitting infancy! It's amazing what can change in 7 months.

Also, I just did a major update on my knitting site Go check it out!

You know you're a knitter when you're awake at 2:45 in the morning Easter Sunday knitting a blanket that's going to be a friend's Christmas present.

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