Nov 05, 2010 18:27
My mother just called me .. she was like ... a little bit irked ... well that might be an understatement. I sent her flowers along with a coupon card for a perfumery store - did this over the Internet. But when she went today to use that card she learned that the card wasn't loaded. totally embarrassing, according to her, and how could I do that to her? I'm a baaaad daughter!
She had to call the store who brought her the flowers, whose manager will now come to her again tomorrow morning and she'll get another bunch of flowers as an apology and - hopefully - a fully charged card.
LOL ... something like that could probably only happen to me ... or my mom ...
Last Sunday, I drove home at night and had to stop the car because someone was turning off to the left in front of me. I looked to the right because I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. And as I looked there was a man stumbling and falling into this not quite tidied up road works. At first I had to snort and laugh a little because it looked really funny ... slapstick comedy like ... but when he didn't come up again though, I worried that he had seriously hurt himself, so I put the warning lights on, got out of the car ... and there he lay, facedown, halfway on the street, moving a little. I didn't really want to move him on my own, maybe hurt him even more, but touched him and asked whether he was okay to which he only grumpily answered "No, I feel shitty, God dammit". asked him if he wants me to call an ambulance, and he said yes. as I turn around to get my mobile from the car the police stops right on the other side of the street with flashing lights and two guys jump out of it, looking at me sternly. It hit me instantly what it must have looked like and that prompted me to slightly hold up my hands and say "No, I didn't run him over, he fell and I just wanted to help". LOL They look me over again with raised eyebrows and then proceed to ask the guy who still laid there what happened, trying to help him up. It needed two of them to get the man on his feet. Only then I realized that the guy was really hammered, like totally. I don't know what happened with him afterwards but the police let me go then, fortunately. This is my second run-in with the police in two weeks ... I'll hopefully have no reason to get to meet even more of them. LOL