I Mask ~*~ Accidental Voice

Jan 06, 2010 04:08


Mmm... Just a bit mo~re... [Silence and a small groan.] ... WAAH! No, this is not the time to sleep!!! Why am I sleeping?! I should be looking for the Chairman!

Takamura-senpai, I'm so so-... Takamura-senpai?


Oh, no! I have lost Takamura-senpai too!! It's no good! How could I fall asleep now? I have to find them!! What if something has happened to them? We didn't notice the Chairman leaving the room, maybe he was kidnapped by some sort of super trained ninjas. Maybe they caught Takamura-senpai too! I have to call the police! Wait, no, it's not sure that's the case... That's right, I just fell asleep while searching for the Chairman, Takamura-senpai didn't notice and left without me. That's the logic explanation!

... But why was I asleep?! Atchoo! Ah, I think I've a cold... It's pretty cold here...

Uhm.... Is someone playing Antartic explorers like the Chairman did the other day? With so much snow... Are there penguins here too? I would like to play with on- Atchoo! Why is it so cold anyway? And wet too....

EEEK!! My clothes!! Where are my clothes!! Someone stole my uniform!!! How could I let anyone steal ME of all people?! They must be surely a pro at this, to take my clothes while I was sleeping!

[Rustling sound.]

My uniform!! It's here! With an open book too. Uhm... This book isn't mine. Maybe someone dropped it? But why am I without my clothes while they are just here folded?

[Long silence.]

Atchoo!! I should get dressed first!

[Rustling sounds.]

Much better, though it's still very cold. It wasn't this cold when the Chairman and me were playing this. We wore coats but could be in our short pants. Aaah, I can't see anyone, how big is this area? Man, I pity the treasurer of the division in charge of this, I hope this comes from private funds. I have enough trying to handle Chairman's whims to expend money, if at the next all-division meeting I hear that someone's division is without funds for the next two years again, I'll cry...

I don't think the Chairman is here, anyway. Even with this setting, we already played this, he wouldn't want to repeat this soon or he would get tired. And I can't see which way did Takamura-senpai left...

Maybe I just should return to the office? They are bond to go there sooner or later, right?

[Steps moving away before returning quickly.]

Ah, I'll take this book with me. Maybe I'll meet whoever dropped it in my way, if not I can send a notice with the computer. It seems to be empty so it must be new, it's always such an annoyance to lose new things!

audio, luceti

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