Title: Monogamy vs. Polygamy Author: lucifers_toy Fandom: Navy: NCIS Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, implied Gibbs/OFC and passing Tony/OMC Table: 1/6 Rating: PG Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from NCIS
I have recently discovered this community (as in today) and most the fics I have read have been yours...and I gottamsay...I think your my fav Tony/Gibbs writer here :D I make it a point *not* to read death fics...but I read yours, and it was cute...for being a death fic...lol and this one was hella cute too! loved it...
*blushes* Wow, thank you so much! Yeah, I've been kinda spamming this comm a lot, because I claimed Tony/Gibbs for . If you're interested, my table is here.
Heh, when you found the comm, did you spend all day just reading? That's exaclty what I did :P
yeah pretty much...I've done nothin but hunt through for Tony/Gibbs...and most have been written by you...I have actually just found 3 more..possible 4 I don't remember by you and I'm going to read shortly...I think I'm going on Tony/Gibbs Overload...like that's possible...lol do you post at this site? http://ncis.fictionresource.com/ it's currentlydown for some odd reason...sad...I had a post ep fic I wanted to search for...see if someone wrote a good one...well it's late, I'm tired and when I'm tired I tend to babble...as you..can tell ;D
Seriously? Wow, I feel kinda bad about taking up so much space :S
Yeah, I love that site! I don't aactually post there, but I live there, and I'm so upset it's down! You could check out this site it you haven't already: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/ It has a pretty good NCIS category.
Ah, the heartwrenching angst and happy ending. You are sucker for happily ever afters! It's ok thou, so am I. Who wouldn't be? This was sweet, thank you :) -Laura
Comments 13
Heh, when you found the comm, did you spend all day just reading? That's exaclty what I did :P
Yeah, I love that site! I don't aactually post there, but I live there, and I'm so upset it's down! You could check out this site it you haven't already: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/ It has a pretty good NCIS category.
*pets Tony*
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