Oct 28, 2007 13:27
Sometimes I wish I could split myself in two so I could live both lives I want to live. I wouldn't have to choose because I could have them both. And my other self would be the one to make all the mistakes so I could learn from them without being stuck with the stigma they may carry.
Tonight is the last night of Howl O Scream and while it hasn't always been easy, it has been loads of fun. I'm certainly sad that it's ending, but I think for the most part I'll keep in touch with the people I've met. I'm going to take loads of pictures tonight and we're having a potluck so I'm making a Lemonade fizzy drink and some Pine Nut Macaroons which, though unbaked, already smell wonderful.
I won't be wanting for things to do once this is through either because I'm starting another second job as a 'mother's helper.' It sounds easy and it pays well which means I should be able to save quite a bit for my summer holiday : D
Time to finish the cookies then...