Aug 28, 2006 04:52
Haven't updated anything in a while. So here I am. I am back in the swing of my crazy filmish schedule. It's about fucking time. My summer has been underwhelming so far. I was looking forward to the stupid busy of last summer. it hasn't quite happened yet, but last week my phone wouldn't stop ringing and I'm in the thick of it now. Good. I needed this. First of all I was banking on summer to carry me thru winter, it hasn't yet. Second of all I let this get to me. Dumb!!!! I know better than this. Some times you're the busiest guy in town and later no one knows your number. Coming in to the party at the PNA I had 6 days of work go away in a 10 day span go away. It sucked. $2500 goes away. Sad clown.
But now I'm key grip on a small indie, have a hold on a 6 day video shoot with a DP that I could do well to impress, and two more shoots in the works for the month.
It was a major cheer up (that I needed) for me to get really drunk with all of my friends and forget everything else. Thanks.