Sep 16, 2003 14:57
i cleaned, organized my new art stuff, watched slc punk, listened to music, got my laptop back up and running, checked some email, played guitar, talked to mark, talked to lb, talked to nat, talked to yohan. went to the store. i never did laundry, but whatever. i feel pretty good about today, especially because i got to sleep in and that was fuuuunnnn....... of course........
i'm missing portsmouth so much right now. BLECH!#!@*$
ummm.. work at like 5 ish.. short, short shift.. 5 - 9:3o.. which is nice, it's all you can eat pizza night and some new movies came out last weekend so we should have a pretty okay amount of people, i'm thinking at least 50 bucks.. but probably less now that i said that.. tuesdays are usually slow but i'm hoping. and hopefully i'll be the only waitress on tonight too.
sometime this week i'm going to be going through all my vhs's, tapes, and cds and selling/trading what's in decent condition that i just don't watch or listen to anymore.
that is all.