(no subject)

Jul 18, 2010 14:04

Welcome to ROUND ELEVEN!

Please don't forget these rules::
• All icons must be new and just for this challenge. They all must fit LJ standards.
• All submissions must be posted as a new entry to this community or your own journal.
• If you post at your journal, post 3 teasers and a link here.
• Posts are moderated, so I must accept the entries before they're officially posted.
• Post all icons at once. Put 3 teaser icons outside the cut. No banners or anything else.
• Make sure that what you enter is at most PG-13. No nudity. Minor language is allowed, but try to keep it clean.
• If you post at your journal/community, THE ENTRY MUST BE PUBLIC (at least until voting is posted).
• When I post the voting, I will be using your links, I won't upload them (that would just be way too much!)
• Don't worry about tags, I will add them myself.
• Make sure you use the table provided. You can change the colors, but leave everything else the same.
• Make sure you put "Round # - Your Choice" in the subject.
• All icons must be completed and posted by August 08.

Everyone has been given posting access! If you do not have posting access, it was because you weren't a member. I sent you an invitation so please accept it.

Here are the themes and category! Feel free to ask any questions you'd like.

[10] THEMES: bright, far away, fragile, friend(s), giggly, *internet slang, landscape, lazy, optimistic, unusual.
[05] CATEGORY: Over the Rainbow. Choose five of the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, & violet. Each icon must be predominantly one color (e.g. icon 1 = red, icon 2 = yellow, icon 3 = green, icon 4 = blue, icon 5 = violet). In the table or outside of the table, please label which colors you chose.

*internet slang - Your icon must include some form of internet slang (BRB, OMG, TTYL, etc)

About other themes - interpret them as you think fit best and have fun with it.:)



brightfar awayfragilefriend(s)giggly
internet slanglandscapelazyoptimisticunusual


number one.number two.number three.number four.number five.


number one.number two.number three.number four.number five.

themes, round №11