Title: 20 25 Snippets From a Swordsman's Life
illegalismThemes: [September] All
Word Count: 1306
Warnings: FE7 spoilers, references that could be construed as sexual
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/Notes/Whatever: Don't own, not trying to make money, all that good stuff. Not exactly in any strict chronological order aside from 22 happening some point after 01. I abuse every possible way of joining sentences together that exists in the English language in an effort to make these work. ♥
01. He wasn't so sure about romance -- as things were, Guy didn't know if he could pick, and the whole idea almost terrified him at times -- "I mean, what if I don't know what I'm doing?" he asked Matthew once and the thief just laughed and ruffled his hair, replying, "You'll know what to do when it happens, just don't think about it."
02. Guy knew that things would never be the same after Leila died -- he only hoped that Matthew would remember that he had a friend to turn to and wouldn't be consumed by grief; he wasn't naive enough to be fooled by the silly grin the thief wore day in and day out.
03. Despite the glares and threats from her brother, Guy liked having Priscilla around; she wasn't near as stuffy as he had expected nobles to be, and her fire magic fascinated him (the healing certainly didn't hurt either).
04. "Sugar and spice and everything nice," or so the saying went, but Guy had some serious doubts about Vaida -- she scared him to death, and that was on a good day.
05. "Feeling better?" Pent asked him as he woke up -- it wasn't the first time Guy had been grateful for the sage's skill with staves in addition to tomes -- it also wasn't the first time that Heath's wyvern had decided the swordsman would be a tasty treat.
06. It surprised everyone to learn that Guy hadn't learned his favorite move from Karel, Matthew, Karla, or any of the other swordsmen in the army -- he had picked it up from watching Wallace fight (and from being recruited into "training" a time or two that he'd prefer to forget).
07. Religion hadn't held much interest for Guy, what with all of the rules and limitations, but there were times that he envied the peace and calm that Lucius had about him; after all, it wasn't just anyone that could calm Karel down enough to actually let him sleep.
08. Guy had no shame in admitting that he had screamed almost like a little girl when Heath had snatched him right off the ground and swung him up onto Hyperion's back -- not a moment too soon either, as he didn't think he could stand another second dodging that cavalier's attacks.
09. It amazed him to meet Karel's sister -- she was different in every way from her brother, and when she was around, Karel was nicer to him -- he just thought it was lamentable that she was so much older than he was, and he was sure he'd seen her flirting with that crazy wyvern lord anyway.
10. "And just how many of my hair ribbons have you borrowed, Guy?" Lyndis asked, having finally chased the swordsman down -- he just gave her a pained smile and untied the one that was currently holding his hair back, holding it out to her.
11. Legault had told him that it was ridiculous to say he'd stay with someone forever, and it made Guy wonder why he'd thought the man would be any good for advice concerning love to begin with -- "I thought you Sacaens couldn't lie, anyway," the thief had said, "but it's a nice sentiment, I suppose. I'm sure she'll be touched," he had finished and Guy hadn't felt like correcting his mistake.
12. The morphs scared Guy -- especially since they weren't like him, no emotions and all -- the dragons he could deal with, but the morphs just seemed like an affront to nature.
13. "But what about clothes when you transform back?" Guy had asked before he could stop himself and Ninian just gave him a small smile and blushed.
14. Guy had always known he was a bit of a klutz but as he tripped and fell face first into the dirt he heard the impossible happen and Karel actually chuckled -- Just for a few seconds, but Guy knew it had happened -- "Are you always this agile?" the older swordsman asked, attempting to keep from showing how amused he was.
15. The tactician had told him to meet who he would be fighting with here, but for the life of him, Guy couldn't see anyone except a pretty girl -- wait, was that it? -- the tactician had said his partner was a monk, though!
16. Renault was a mystery to Guy, especially when he told him to count the stars, that it would help him develop patience -- well, he was up to a thousand and twenty seven and still no magical feeling of patience, and oh dammit, there went the count, time to start over again...
17. "Karel, what are you doing?!" he gasped out, but the swordsman only gave him a confident grin and replied, "When you can perform at your limits, you can perform under any circumstances" -- this still didn't help him calm down any about having to fight on a rickety rope bridge, especially as another piece fell out from under him and it was only his quick reflexes that kept him from falling to his death.
18. Guy didn't often stop by Merlinus's tent, and when he did it was usually to pick up a new sword -- when the merchant handed him one of the rare Light Brands to use in battle, Guy only picked up his muttering about the tactician playing favorites and how it was entirely too valuable of a sword to be using in just any battle, so he'd better take a regular steel one too -- Guy just stared at the blade in awe.
19. Nobody really knew where the horse had come from -- Guy supposed that Eliwood must have been keeping it all along, but it just didn't make a lot of sense that he'd never seen it before the lord's promotion -- Erk insisted that the higher level magic users must have all gotten together and created it out of dust or something.
20. "Matthew, come on, this is just childish to keep this up!" he exclaimed as the thief waved the paper just out of reach.
21. It was probably only natural (they did spend a lot of time together after all) and it unnerved Matthew when Guy started picking up some of his mannerisms, but he only grinned and figured that if he taught the swordsman some of what he knew... well, the tactician could hardly complain about someone else that could open doors and pilfer chests.
22. He really didn't know what he was thinking -- it just happened, but somehow it was like he'd always imagined only infinitely better, save for that part where he kind of lost his balance and there they were in a more than compromising position and he hadn't really meant for it to happen but he supposed that this was what Matthew had been talking about...
23. With Rath, things just felt... not quite close, but not quite far away either -- the nomad was kind to him but it was an awkward kindness, the kind that comes almost more of a sense of a duty, but Guy didn't want to rule friendship out -- Rath was awkward on his own, and Guy kind of liked him.
24. Guy didn't know what to say when the enthusiastic cleric had handed him all of her shopping bags to carry; he didn't have time for this, but he hated to just leave her when she seemed so happy.
25. All he knew was that at that moment in time, it felt like he had a new body -- stronger, faster, maybe even a little smarter -- the sword in his hands felt like an extension of his own arm; he thought that maybe this was a little taste of perfection as the Hero Crest dissolved in his hands, and he knew that back home his mother would be proud.