Title: 20 Things About Rock Leigh as observed by Tentsuke
istoriaCharacter/Pairing/Group: Lee and Tenten (AU fem!Lee and male!Tenten from narukorp)
Rating: G
Disclaimer/Notes/Whatever: See earlier naruko posts.
Twenty truths about Leigh from Tentsuke
1. Her eyebrows. Let’s start there. I’m pretty sure she keeps them that away to keep away unwanted attention. People are so superficial that they judge her on that and it acts like a guard against the real jerks out there.
2. Her breasts. Again another jerk weeder. The ones that go right for them meet the wrong end of Reva in a place where the sun don’t shine.
3. She’s my little sister in all ways but blood. Probably doesn’t even know she’s set to inherit my dog and house and world possession if something goes wrong.
4. The girl can cook like a pro. I think she only cooks for her team too but if Sakurai ever bought a clue, he’d be the happiest man in the world.
5. My second greatest fear is what happens if Sakurai doesn’t realize what he’s missing. You should know the first by now.
6. Her favorite color is green. Except that is no surprise to anyone I suspect. Okay, how about the fact that Risu, her little pet squirrel owns a green jumpsuit.
7. She has the biggest heart in the world and sometimes it clouds her other wise sensible mind.
8. Her punches, even the playful ones, HURT LIKE HELL. But I take ‘em anyway because I know she likes it.
9. When she was young, the other kids in school told her she’d never be a ninja. Lucky that Gaia-sensei found her. Unlucky that she passed on her fashion skills along with taijutsu skills.
10. She can wake up instantly and be alert. I know this from the numerous times I have stumbled into her place completely drunk only to have her there with a blanket and some water.
11. She is full of pep and energy but it’s not always that way. Sometimes even she needs a chance to relax.
12. I nicknamed her My Cheerleader when I first met her. I didn’t realize until later on how true it was.
13. She’s way too forgiving. I’m an idiot and she still thinks of me as a hero. She doesn’t know she’s got things all reversed.
14. She got drunk once. Let’s just say, Nejiko can’t complain about my building-leveling skills anymore.
15. There’s no one better to trust in a fight. The idea that her inability to mold chakra is a deterrent is the last mistake an opponent will ever make. I have never seen anyone train harder either. Her workouts leave me huddle in a corner in pain.
16. Sakurai isn’t good enough for her. But then again, I don’t think anyone is.
17. Of the three of us, she has the greatest chance to achieve all her dreams and be happy. She’ll outlive us all too and have lots of little offspring in tiny green jump… man I think I need a drink.
18. She’ll be the greatest teacher any kid could get for. I won’t be surprised if she has at least twelve genin teams during her tenure as jounin-sensei. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the next Hokage came from one of them.
19. She and Nejiko are going to have the same relationship that Kakami-sensei and Gaia-sensei have. It’ll be years of insane bets and stupid challenges because neither of them is willing to admit that they’re friends and not rivals.
20. She’s the best friend you could ask for and people are fools for not asking her. She’s the best partner you could dream of but her jerk sifter has proven the composition of our village men leaves a lot to be desired. Sakurai isn’t good enough, even Tsurude-sama doesn’t come close. But most of all, there’s no way I’m good enough to be just her friend and comrade. The universe just dealt me a lucky hand for once. Now, if I can just get my hands on her cookbook…