Title: Just you, thats all. Author: Nineko (SunaNeko) Character/Pairing/Group:NejiTema Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer/Notes/Whatever:My muse owns me, if I owned Naruto it would be crack themed >_<
I love this, its so dead on! I play Temari in a forum and my Tem and the Neji there are hooking up possibly. Same problems and everything..just wonderful!
Hey there! I'm the one who is playing Neji to her Temari. *points up* Nicely done. I really enjoyed this very much. And she does tease him about how cute he looks when he blushes! ^^ He finds it sooo...embarrasing. #10 is the total truth. *grin*
Can I ask you a quick question? How do you do a journal cut?
You mean a lj-cut? take out the stars: <*lj-cut*> blah blah <*/lj-cut*> thats the one I use, it tells the other way on the userinfo of this comm.
Thanks, I was in a roleplay comm for awhile with this sort of thing, but the roleplay wasn't my style ~shrugs~ I have lots of fics to work on, including a challenge I made overly complicated.
Comments 5
Can I ask you a quick question? How do you do a journal cut?
take out the stars:
<*lj-cut*> blah blah <*/lj-cut*>
thats the one I use, it tells the other way on the userinfo of this comm.
Thanks, I was in a roleplay comm for awhile with this sort of thing, but the roleplay wasn't my style ~shrugs~ I have lots of fics to work on, including a challenge I made overly complicated.
A challenge fic? I love those. They're hard to write simply because it's a "challenge" now to do it. What is it?
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