Sep 12, 2007 00:33
Okay guys, this is a radical idea, but you know what?
I suck at updating the claims list.
I suck at keeping track of when your deadlines are supposed to be.
I suck at, y'know, being fond of structure and rules.
So here's the deal: everyone, grab a partner, grab a pairing/character, grab some themes and post whenever you want and whatever you want (even if someone else appears to be doing your pairing/character!).
This comm is going to be about the fusion of art, fic and pretentious theme-creating! Who cares about strict guidelines! I don't really think this comm is large enough (thanks to my, lol, negligence) that we're going to be flooded enough to require quality traffic control, so lets just call this an artistic free for all party-down time!
C'mon, everyone! Show me what you've got! And I'll show you what I've got not much in the mod-ly sense- a dedication to keeping the memories of this site well organized, and keeping the themes fresh from this point on. ♥
Questions? Complaints? Boots to the face?