Title: Imagination
emo_precipitateClaim: Fuu
Prompt: 06. Figment; Fragment [ is this really all you can be? ]
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fuu or Kingdom Hearts, Square-Enix does.
Fuu sat around in her corner, drawing a sketch as usual. At first she had no idea what she was drawing. But she spent hours and hours drawing, what had eventually became her nightmare. As she drew, she slowly started daydreaming, and found herself entering that drawing.
It was dark, everything was moving. She could see her world changing, and noticed all the people talking about how they hated her so. Even her closest friends told people about how analytical, bossy, and boy-crazy she was. She couldn't take it. She just couldn't.
She looked at herself, and saw herself disappearing. "I don't deserve to be here..." she said, and slowly but surely all of her was being erased. "Make it end! Stop it!" she screamed, but no one could hear her. "I don't want to be alone..."
There were tears on her tablet, which woke her up. "Oh. It was all just a fragment of my imagination..." she said, as she ripped the page out of her notebook. "Maybe I shouldn't draw at night anymore."