CSI: Miami Horatio Caine and Rick Stetler Prompt: 9 Comfort (Difficulties In Loving A Redhead Pt. 3)

Jan 17, 2009 14:41

Title: Difficulties In Loving A Redhead Pt. 3
Author: sharpiesgal
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio Caine/Rick Stetler
Genre: Slash
Prompt: 9 Comfort
Word Count: 908
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A long day a work nursing a hangover has Horatio regretting his recent behavior toward his lover.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor am I making any money off of this story.
Author's Notes: Part 1 can be found here Part 2 can be found here
Author's Notes 2: This is for Sylum's House/froggy_freek. Get to feeling better soon, babe.

Horatio kept his sunglasses on and a tight grip on the Starbucks cup he held in his right hand as he gingerly walked the perimeter of the crime scene searching for evidence. He would have happily had anybody lob his head off his shoulders since it still hurt despite the aspirin he had taken earlier.

He had no one but himself to blame. Acknowledging this did not improve his already bad mood and people tiptoed around him as if he had the proverbial black cloud hanging over his aching head.


“Eric, please tell me you have good news,” Horatio commented as he entered the fingerprint lab hours later. He fiddled with his cell phone as he left another text message for Rick to call him.

“I pulled some juicy prints from the briefcase,” Eric softly replied. He knew all about working with a hangover, so he did his best not to aggravate Horatio. He just hoped that it wasn’t a sign that Horatio’s latest relationship was on the rocks. “I’m running them through AFIS right now.”

Horatio carefully nodded. His head wasn’t as painful as it had been at the crime scene, but he wasn’t certain that it was still attached to his neck. “Let me know when you get a hit.”

Eric reached out and placed a hand on Horatio’s sleeve keeping the man from leaving. “You want to talk about it?” he discreetly inquired.

Horatio glanced down at Eric’s hand and then back up. He gave his brother-in-law a brief smile of appreciation. “Thanks for the offer,” he said. “But the mess I got myself into requires a good deal of groveling.”

Eric dropped his hand. “Ouch,” he sympathized. He had been there a few hundred times himself. He was glad his lover was so understanding. “I’ll let you know when I get a match,” he said returning the subject back to the case at hand.

“Thanks,” Horatio replied. He walked out of the lab and down the hall to his office.


It was the wee hours of the morning before Horatio made it home and his hangover had turned into a stress-induced migraine. The case had morphed into two separate cases when AFIS came back with two known felons.

He walked into his living room and found his lover curled up on his couch sound asleep. He covered Rick with a blanket as he debated with himself if he should be surprised or relieved that Rick was there at all.

Deciding he was too tired and hurting too much to think about anything but stretching out on his bed, Horatio placed a soft kiss on Rick’s temple and headed down the hall to his bedroom. He stretched out on the bed not bothering to undress except to remove his jacket, shoes, gun, badge and id.

Horatio flung an arm over his eyes and tried to will the pain away. He was interrupted when Rick came in and settled on the edge of the bed. “Migraine?” he softly asked.

“Yes, and I thought you were asleep.”

“I woke up when I felt you covered me up,” Rick quietly explained. “Want me to get your medicine?”


Horatio felt the bed move as Rick got up and went into the bathroom. He heard the medicine cabinet squeak open and he told himself he had to fix it the next chance he got.

He eased himself up into a sitting position just as Rick turned off the light and walked back into the room with a glass of water and a bottle of pills. “You look as good as I feel,” he lightly quipped.

“Then we’re both screwed,” Rick countered as he shook two pills from the bottle. “Get these in you and you’ll start to feel a little better.”

Horatio took the pills knocking them back with a large sip of water. He set the glass on the night stand and reached out for Rick’s hand. “I’m sorry for being a self-center bastard of late,” he said apologizing for his recent behavior.

“I’m sorry too,” Rick apologized as well. “I should have been more understanding. I shouldn’t have pushed, especially after the crap Julia pulled on you.”

“I know we need to talk, but can we do it later today.” Horatio pulled Rick closer to him. “I really need to get some rest and I sleep better when you are beside me.”

Rick leaned down and gave Horatio a brief kiss. “Me too,” he said before stepping back and stripping down to his boxers. “Want me to help you undress?”

“I think I can manage,” Horatio replied as he cautiously stood up and stripped down to his t-shirt and boxers.

Rick turned down the bed and slipped in under the covers. He held out open arms in invitation and sighed when Horatio joined him in the bed.

Horatio snuggled into Rick’s arms resting his head on Rick’s shoulder soaking up the comfort that his lover unselfishly offered. “You’ll be here when I wake up?” he asked knowing he sounded like a little kid.

Rick brushed the hair from Horatio’s forehead and dropped a light kiss there. “Yes,” he answered. “I’m not planning on being anywhere else.”

“Good,” Horatio murmured, and then he fell asleep safe in the knowledge that Rick wouldn’t go back on his word.

Rick watched Horatio sleep on guard for the nightmares that destroyed what little rest his lover managed to get.


sharpiesgal : csi:miami : horatio/rick

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