Title: Gentleman/Trickster - 20 Things about Yagyuu Hiroshi and Niou Masaharu
Author: The Dream Whisperer
Characters/Pairing: Niou/Yagyuu, Rikkai, Seigaku cameos
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer/Notes: Not mine, thank god.
Summary: In which everything is unspoken and nothing is confessed. Words are just a vessel for communication; they have no need for such a thing. ‘To Niou, Yagyuu was a challenge that will never turn static… Yagyuu loved Niou, for he had always loved the House of Mirrors.’ 6306 words
Warning: Awkward, graphic sex in 17 and very teenager behaviour. Niou and Yagyuu are fifteen year old boys, and they pretty much act like it here.
Gentleman/Trickster - 20 Things about Yagyuu Hiroshi and Niou Masaharu )
Fake cut!