babies go to hell

Nov 15, 2006 16:26

i freely encourage y'all to spread the rumor that i am infertile and therefore will not be having children, if you promise to shut the fuck up about getting pregnant, having a baby, "starting a family" or what have you.

seriously. shut. the fuck. up.

this is MY fucking choice and just because i get married does not, repeat DOES NOT mean that i want children. and who the hell are you to assume that i do?

and how DARE you treat me as less of a woman just because i don't want to partake in this "beautiful" life experience.
and how DARE you sigh and say that i'll change my mind.
and how DARE you imply that a family cannot be made up of just two, count 'em TWO people.

so, to stop the hellish torment that has befallen me no less than 1 month post wedding day, i am declaring myself to be unable to have children. perhaps now, you wretchedly intrusive people will be too stunned and hopefully SHAMED into leaving me alone on this subject.

this is your official cease and desist order.
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