Jun 23, 2006 13:04
finish this sentence: (concepting for additional installments of ad series promoting a physician referral line)
Because your blood pressure spikes more often than (insert football player's name or other football euphanism here). We know good medicine.
and what do we think of:
Because you suspect your scale is in cahoots with your grandson's fun house mirror. We know good medicine.
Because donuts are not a food group. We know good medicine.
Because you still haven't learned to eat your vegetables. We know good medicine.
Because the morgue is full. We know good medicine. (ahh...i'm just kidding on this one. but hey! something's gotta get the creative juices going.)
Past ads have read: Because a lot can happen in 8 seconds. We know good medicine. (local rodeo specific)
Because little Sally liked the feel of jelly beans up her nose. We know good medicine. (pediatrics/family practice)
Because you don't know whether to paint in pink or blue. We know good medicine. (gynecology/obstetrics/imaging)
Because your pain may need more than an aspirin. We know good medicine. (emeregency medicine)