Idk, my dad moved his ex g.f in a week or 2 ago, The one that ruined my house and her kids stole all of my shit. Awesome, isn't it? Duh.
Anyways, I had no drama in my summer, until like 2 fridays ago, Which was pretty nice, but things got twisted around 2 fridays ago about some fight, and everyone was lieing, and telling there own side of the story but thats nothing new and i'm not too worried about it.
But last friday the fight between Sam young, Sarah and some stupid girl that was trying to get marcus beat up, was pretty funny, both the girls were talking shit and attempting to fight and niether of them would do shit, so i pushed the girl into sam and i guess it went on from there, it was more than funny, but stupid as fuck, fighting is pointless i swear.
Other than that, Something went down later with Tay beav and ashlie and becky, (yeah i name drop) I don't give a fuck. Don't get me wrong, what it looked like was a lot worse than it was, ashlie confronted taylor for a friend, and i'm sure anyone in her position would of done the same thing. Taylor lied right to our faces thats the only reason anyone but ashlie said something to her. And ashlie took it upon herself to say something because she was upset over another thing taylor did. But, its just all fucking stupid as fuck because now everyone is pissed because taylor decided to ball about it. Sucks for her. No ones gonna beat her up, no one is gonna try and make her cry on purpose and she brings the drama upon herself, I DONT GET OFF ON DRAMA so anyone that wants to keep bringing it up, take it somewhere else. Thanks.
After the show We hung out with the kids from PCTS, it was a good time. HA. Saturday I stayed at ashlies, and at like 11 the next day, BELIE MY BURIAL, and the kids from FAILURE TO FALL came to her house and hung out, Later we went to the show, it wasn't bad besides the fact the one band blew, and they said shit to us. Cool.
After the show, we went to my house then to dennys, then i had to go on a scavanger hung with some of the kids from BELIE to pick up their friend. Later everyone split up and half of the kids came and stayed at my house and the other half went to Sams I think. I guess sneaking 8 kids into my house is pretty awesome, not. I had fun though, even if my entire floor was covered with like 7 kids.
Iguess what i'm trying ot get out of this update, is that, if you think i'm such a horrible person, and i lie, and i do shit i shouldn't, maybe you shouldn't stick your nose in my business cuase i sure in hell don't give a shit about you, or anything. What you have to say doesn't faze me the least. I'm at a higher state of mind than you obviously, and I deal with my shit a lot more mature and carefree than you. Maybe you should try it out. You're not better than anyone if you decide to talk shit and hate everybody for god knows why. But thanks.