First, I loved all the Brennan/Vincent interaction at the beginning 8). And the scenes between him and Hodgins were too funny and adorable for words :}!
The "Guess who's going to get the bullet" bit, when we saw a glimpse of Broadsky on top of a metal structure (a crane, as it turned out) in an unknown location, then quick shots of each character, was very effective, I thought. On one level, I think I knew none of the main team members would die, but while watching it play out, along with the added factor of not quite knowing where the heck Broadsky was & who was in the vicinity really made me wonder who'd be the victim. I eliminated Booth, Brennan, Hodgins, and Angela from consideration pretty much immediately, but everyone else? Not so much =[.
I thought Vincent's death scene was very well done. I'll admit I never got attached to him (haven't to any of the interns, as yet, actually, though Wendell is well on the way to endearing himself to me :)), but I was still sad to see him go :(. I think him continuing to say, "Please don't make me go. I don't want to leave" as he was dying and the progression of Booth & Brennan's reactions as it was happening were what did it. Without those things, I don't think I'd have been anymore than a little sad.
I loved the scene of Booth and Brennan cuddling in Booth's bed, of course :). Which brings me to my stance on the "Did they or didn't they?" question. I'm leaning toward the "They didn't" camp, but I suspect it's not so much that I'm certain they didn't have sex, but more I hope they didn't. My reason? For me, at least, it kind of cheapens the payoff we've been waiting six seasons for (and not because we didn't actually see anything, either). How can I explain what I mean? *Thinks* Okay, I think I've got it- Booth and Brennan having sex WOULD NOT/DOES NOT, for a reason I admittedly can't put into words, prove to me that they love each other in a romantic way. I guess what I'm trying to say is I want them to tell each other "I love you" and mean that as, "I love you as more than just a very close, dear friend" before they even think about something like having sex (hence why I'll also be a bit irked if "the thing you never saw coming" in the finale turns out to be that Brennan has decided to take some of Booth's sperm out of storage so she can have his child). After they've said those three little words to each other with the above meaning behind them, the writers can show the two of them rolling around in bed & having sex as often as they like (and as long as it's balanced out by other intimate, non-sexual moments between them) ;). But until then, I'll have to view every sex scene we might get between them in an upcoming or future season with a bit of skepticism.
The "Guess who's going to get the bullet" bit, when we saw a glimpse of Broadsky on top of a metal structure (a crane, as it turned out) in an unknown location, then quick shots of each character, was very effective, I thought. On one level, I think I knew none of the main team members would die, but while watching it play out, along with the added factor of not quite knowing where the heck Broadsky was & who was in the vicinity really made me wonder who'd be the victim. I eliminated Booth, Brennan, Hodgins, and Angela from consideration pretty much immediately, but everyone else? Not so much =[.
I thought Vincent's death scene was very well done. I'll admit I never got attached to him (haven't to any of the interns, as yet, actually, though Wendell is well on the way to endearing himself to me :)), but I was still sad to see him go :(. I think him continuing to say, "Please don't make me go. I don't want to leave" as he was dying and the progression of Booth & Brennan's reactions as it was happening were what did it. Without those things, I don't think I'd have been anymore than a little sad.
I loved the scene of Booth and Brennan cuddling in Booth's bed, of course :). Which brings me to my stance on the "Did they or didn't they?" question. I'm leaning toward the "They didn't" camp, but I suspect it's not so much that I'm certain they didn't have sex, but more I hope they didn't. My reason? For me, at least, it kind of cheapens the payoff we've been waiting six seasons for (and not because we didn't actually see anything, either). How can I explain what I mean? *Thinks* Okay, I think I've got it- Booth and Brennan having sex WOULD NOT/DOES NOT, for a reason I admittedly can't put into words, prove to me that they love each other in a romantic way. I guess what I'm trying to say is I want them to tell each other "I love you" and mean that as, "I love you as more than just a very close, dear friend" before they even think about something like having sex (hence why I'll also be a bit irked if "the thing you never saw coming" in the finale turns out to be that Brennan has decided to take some of Booth's sperm out of storage so she can have his child). After they've said those three little words to each other with the above meaning behind them, the writers can show the two of them rolling around in bed & having sex as often as they like (and as long as it's balanced out by other intimate, non-sexual moments between them) ;). But until then, I'll have to view every sex scene we might get between them in an upcoming or future season with a bit of skepticism.
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