2 more interviews about Emily & Zooey and The Goop on the Girl
Zooey and Emily: Together on "Bones"!
The acting sister duo of Zooey and Emily Deschanel packs a punch yet these two talented actress/sisters haven't worked together before. Zooey mostly stars in feature films like the hit relationship comedy 500 Days of Summer while older sis Emily is the star of Fox TV's long-running crime series "Bones". This week you can watch Zooey playing "Bones" Brennan's relative in an episode of the popular show. We wanted to find out what these cool sisters thought about working together.
TeenTelevision: Of course, an obvious question would be what was it like working together as sisters?
Zooey: It was fun.
Emily: It was great, especially I think that first day was less hectic. We had a scene. It was just Ryan O’Neill and the two of us. It was really nice. It was great. We’ve never worked together before, except for our own plays that we’ve done together, right?
TeenTelevision: Was it like a learning experience? Did you guys learn anything about each other that you didn’t know before during the process?
Zooey: I don’t know if I would say I learned anything. But I definitely had a really good time.
TeenTelevision: Now so close to the holidays, is there a memorable Christmas that you two as sisters can look back on with fond memories, any traditions or anything?
Zooey: Emily likes to sleep in on Christmas morning and I like to wake up early, so Christmas was a day of compromise.
Emily: Yes, for sure.
Zooey: I think that Christmas is always used at any point in the year to cheer us up, like each other up. We would use that to cheer each other up if we were in a sad mood or something, we’d just start talking about Christmas. So we always have loved Christmas. I don’t think there’s any particular Christmas that comes to mind.
TeenTelevision: First, which of the two of you was the first to be turned on to acting? Did one of you like it more than the other or how did it work for you two?
Zooey: I feel like even though I’m younger, I started working first professionally, but we both were interested in acting as kids. Emily finished school first.
Emily: I think we both loved doing plays since we were really young. But I didn’t think of it as doing it as a profession. I think Zooey knew she wanted to be an actress from when she was very young. Whereas I didn’t think I wanted to do that-
Zooey: Yes, you wanted to be an architect. I think you liked the way it sounded maybe.
Emily: No, I love architecture. I just love the combination between art and science, I guess.
Zooey: Engineering.
Emily: Engineering, exactly, mathematics. So I don’t know, but then I started doing plays in high school and really loved it and considered it as a profession as I got later in high school.
TeenTelevision: do you watch each other’s work to keep up with it or it's more like "if she’s working, she’s fine"?
Zooey: I think we try to do as much as we can. Emily, obviously, being on a show, there’s so much more output. I mostly do movies, so it’s like I’ll come out with something like once or twice a year and Emily has something on every week. So it’s a lot to keep up with, but I try the best I can.
Emily: And I try to see pretty much everything Zooey does. Some things are harder to see because they only have a limited release or whatever. We're supportive but not fanatical.
TeenTelevision: Is there just something in your DNA that makes you successful actors?
Zooey: It’s hard to separate nature from nurture.
Emily: Yes, because we both grew up in the same household where our mother is an actress, so our parents couldn’t really tell us not to be actors, because that would be hypocritical. But yet we saw a lot of actors, family friends and our mother. We saw lots of people struggle. It’s a hard business. It’s a hard profession to pursue, so we didn’t have any delusions, I guess, about it going in, so we knew that we had to be really perseverant and work hard.
Zooey: I think, too, there was no sense that this wasn’t a job that you had to work at. There was no delusion of glamour, really.
Emily: Yes, I think a lot of times people go into the profession and think that it is about glamour; that it’s easy, an easy job to do. That’s it’s easy to get jobs. I think we never thought any of those things. There’s so many things people think about acting that we knew the reality. I think we both just fell in love with acting and performing and all of that. So I don’t know. I think that that really helped certainly. And it’s nice to have family who understands what you’re going through when you’re going through it.
TeenTelevision: Now that you guys have acted together, would you consider recording some music together?
Emily: You’d have to ask Zooey if she’d be willing to record something with me.
Zooey: We’ve never done music together so much, not something I’ve ever considered. Emily is a very good singer, but I hadn’t thought about it, so I don’t know.
TeenTelevision: Why has it taken until now for you two to work together professionally?
Zooey: I think that we’ve had different career paths. It seems weird, but it’s sort of difficult to schedule. I talked about doing a Bones episode for a couple of years now, but it never ended up working in my schedule because with films, you end up getting a job and you have to leave and go somewhere the next week sometimes.
For instance, when we shot this a couple weeks ago, we had scheduled it thinking that I would have two weeks off after I came back from Ireland. I was shooting a movie in Ireland. I ended up having to stay there another eight days or nine days. So I literally came back on Friday and we started shooting on Tuesday or something. They were packed up against each other, so it’s hard to schedule.
I think that both of us like to let each other have our space. The one thing that I would fear of working with a family member is you always want to make sure you don’t bring any silly bickering or anything like that to the set. We don’t really do so much anymore, but you worry that it will bring up your little family things.
I just wanted to make sure that everything was right. It was really fun. Emily was extremely welcoming and accommodating and very sweet. It ended up being really fun. I was glad I did it.
TeenTelevision: Is the story at all open-ended for you or is this strictly a one-off?
Zooey: Well, I don’t die at the end of the episode.
Emily: We’d love to have you back. I think it is open-ended. I think it’s open-ended for a reason. We’ll see. It took us five seasons to figure out when Zooey could come on the show and it may take five more seasons. We’re so happy it worked out. It was something we’ve been trying to do for the beginning, but it’s scheduling. It’s hard.
TeenTelevision: I wanted to ask how involved were you coming up with a character that Zooey would play? Did you guys get any input?
Emily: (The Producer) had the idea for a Christmas episode and told me some things about it. That she would be my relative, one of the two living relatives in my life.
Zooey: It was a leap of faith, because I’m just not used to (signing on before I know who I'll play). But they were very receptive and let me give some of my ideas and we were able to come up with a cool character, I think.
TeenTelevision: You’re both very accomplished actresses, but did the older sister, younger sister dynamic play a role on the set at all?
Zooey: It’s more like it was Emily’s set, so I was happy to be working for her to some degree, I guess. You’re a producer on the show, so-
Emily: I guess that’s true. You’re one of my favorite employees.
Zooey: Aww, thanks. So, it was actually really very smooth and I had a great time. I loved working with Emily. It was really fun.
TeenTelevision: Were there any other non-Bones related collaborations that you would like to do? Are there any scripts that you ever think would be great for the two of you to work on?
Emily: We don't have anything like that. Besides this experience, our business, we have our own relationship that has nothing to do with business.
Zooey: Yes, I think it’s better. It’s so fun to do Bones, but I think, in a lot of ways, it’s just nice that I can stand back and just see Emily and be proud of her and stuff without having to be in business so much. I just feel like it makes more sense for us to both have our own little things that we do and-
Emily: We can be supportive, but we don’t have to work together.
Zooey: Exactly. I think it adds stress to the relationship do something like that. I just think that we don’t need that. It’s better to have a relationship and have that stress with other people.
Emily: We had fun and hope to do it again sometime, but-
Zooey: But not for too long. But it was fun, it was really fun to watch Emily work and I enjoyed it and I’m excited to see the episode.
Emily: Me, too!
Teen Television A quick chat with Emily Deschanel
Dec 10, 2009
The star of Sky1's US series Bones talks Christmas, working with her sister Zooey, weird gifts and British chocolate...
So there’s a Christmas themed episode of Bones on Sky1 on Thursday 17 December. What happens?
"Brennan’s father, who’s played by Ryan O’Neal, wants her to stay in Washington for the holidays to be with him, so he also invites a distant relative, played by my sister Zooey. Meanwhile, a man dressed as Santa robs a bank and is blown up. So, basically, Santa explodes in the Christmas episode."
Is this the first time you’ve acted with your sister?
"Professionally, yes. We used to put on plays when we were younger and did some in school. Funnily enough, Ryan already knew Zooey because she used to work out at the gym he runs."
It must have been fun It was a real treat to have her on set
"We shot it around Halloween, but we had fake snow and a Christmas dinner scene. Zooey would come into my trailer and get cosy, so it felt like Christmas in October."
Does your family have any Yuletide traditions?
"My mom makes coffee cake in the morning. We stay in our pyjamas most of the day, lounge around and open presents. Zooey is a great singer, so we’ll sing carols together."
Have you bought a Christmas present for David Boreanaz yet?
"Oh my gosh, no. I’ve barely started my shopping. I gave him a belt buckle for his birthday that had an arrow pointing up that said ‘The Man’ and an arrow pointing down that said ‘The Legend’."
What’s the best gift he’s bought you?
"He once gave me an amazing teapot as I drink a lot of tea. I lived in London for a year when I was little, so maybe that’s why."
What did you like about living in London?
"I loved the candy. My dad would come home from work and bring different English candy for us to try. I loved Toffee Crisp, Flake, and is there something called a Lion bar? I think I gained
a few pounds when I was there."
How has the chemistry between Brennan and Booth changed in this series?
"We recently aired an episode featuring Stephen Fry as Dr Wyatt, and basically he concluded they were in love with each other. That adds a whole new dynamic to the relationship. They don’t want to admit it, but they are definitely in love."
Is there something people would be surprised to learn about you?
"I can move my eyeballs around in different grotesque ways, like crossing one eye and keeping the other one straight."
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