This has probably been mentioned before, but it just recently occurred to me that the differing times on the clock in the beginning on EitB may just be that Bones and Booth were asleep for almost 12 hours. I was an overnight waitress at Denny's for a couple of years, and working overnight shifts was much harder on my system than working the daytime shifts. About once a month, I'd crash on one of my days off and sleep for a good 19 hours or so.
I know that that lying crackhead HH has said that it really was a scene from years later (didn't he? I don't pay much attention to what he says, other than to assume he's lying through his lying teeth), but I'm just sayin', it's really not implausible that they slept for 12 hours or so. The clocks also didn't have anything marking AM/PM, from what I saw.
Just sayin'.