Title: Stop to Smell the Watermelon
Author: Jen -
ladybug218Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan
Written for:
mcamy for
bubbleficathonPrompt: Bathtub
Optional Prompt: Fun and light-hearted, please.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Immediately follows 2x12 "The Man in the Cell"
Summary: Brennan just found out that Booth is a free man. But did he really mean what he said about relationships in high-stress environments?
Disclaimer: These characters belong to way smarter and richer people than me. I'm just playing with them.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my last minute beta readers,
koshkaphoenix and
kajivar. Any remaining mistakes are my own. Sorry for cutting it so close to the deadline!
bubbleficathon archive is okay, anywhere else, please ask first.
She would never admit it, but she loved seeing this side of Booth.)