10 Days Left to Nominate!

Dec 06, 2011 10:53

Get your nominations in now to have them counted towards the 2011 Glee Awards fest! We're still lacking in some nominations - our policy is that a category must have at least five (5) nominations to be considered for our fandom voting round. Categories with more will be narrowed down by our panel, and categories with less will receive a special mention but will not be included in the final voting.

Categories that need more nominations to make it to the fandom voting round:
  • Best Het Drama - needs 4 more nominations
  • Best Het Comedy - needs 2 more nominations
  • Best Femslash Comedy - needs 4 more nominations
  • Best Het Fluff - needs 3 more nominations
  • Best Femslash Fluff - needs 4 more nominations
  • Best Het AU - needs 5 more nominations
  • Best Femslash AU - needs 1 more nomination
  • Best Het Romance - needs 4 more nominations
  • Best Femslash Romance - needs 3 more nominations
  • Best Het PWP - needs 2 more nominations
  • Best Femslash PWP - needs 3 more nominations
  • Best Gen Vid/Art - needs 1 more nomination
  • Best Het Vid/Art - needs 5 more nominations
  • Best Femslash Vid/Art - needs 1 more nomination


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