To nominate a fanfic or piece of art to this fest, please fill out the application below. Anonymous commenting is turned on, as is IP logging, to prevent spamming but to also allow you privacy.
Please note: You MUST have a link to the original work in your nomination. Any reposts will be deleted immediately. Links to meme fills by anonymous posters are allowed.
You may nominate WIPs. They will all be placed in a single category regardless of genre or ship.
To nominate, use this form. You can either post your nomination in response to this entry, or you can send the nomination to our
submit box on Tumblr.
- Your username:
- Author/Artist's username:
- Category (please only list ONE):
- Link to original work:
- Why are you nominating this fic/art? (Please use at least 2 sentences.):
EDIT: We have added a 'series' category due to increased interest. Fics already nominated will be moved to this category. If you are nominating a series now, please mark that as your category regardless of ship. Please only nominate a COMPLETED series.