Jan 01, 2020 18:58
At the Johnnys countdown it was announced that Kame P will do a tour this year.
First reaction was:EHHHHHHHHH!!! like the public present then ...What about KAT-TUN ?
-A tour is always a good news.
-I enjoy Kame interaction with P.
-They will for sure release either a songle or an album (most probable)...
-It's a "project" and they will announce more stuff soon...
-KAT-TUN activities :(((. If Kame is working as Shuji and Akira he won't be working as KAT-TUN.
-It sounds like a "right back at you" at Nishiko/Akanishi duet ....I mean the coincidence is too far stretch even using the 15th anniversary then why not do it on the 10th...
-Fandom inside crisis ....again.
Well let's wait for more news cause Ueda will apparamently be really busy with his butai that some Japanese hyphens think it might last until July....(with the 20th anniversary of the thing)....:( so if KameP tour is during that time it should be okay...
But it's the Olympic year and it's like every group, singer in Japan wants to mark it as their year and if the project includes a drama not yet filmed plus a tour plus a tour with KAT-TUN well Kame and Ueda will be for sure tired...
Also as Yamap is "going international" I really wonder if the thing Kame did in Thailand isn't Kamepi related ....(Where was the guy at that time ?)
Last during the CM on the CD live Kame said to look forward to KAT-TUN 2020 activities so like I said let's wait for more news...
Also I noticed KameP looked a bit miserable while announcing this news...really seems like a management decision as even if they are pals I got the feeling Yamapi prefers to be alone... end of rant.