Mar 12, 2006 11:29
I thought it would always be the same,
I thought I would always love you.
But now that I'm sitting here talking
to you again, it seems like I've never
met you in my life.
sometimes holding hands
is holding to everything
I wanna be like those
girls in the magazines
who happen to have everything
baby you`ve got me up
against the wall
so kiss a little harder,
grab a little tighter
because [ tonight ]
i`m all yours
you`ll never know what it feels like to
get up if you have never fallen down
you know how it is
when you don’t want
to miss them, but you
want them to miss you <|3
i probably shouldn't be telling you this, but no matter what you do to me, i'm still here. for some crazy reason i'll stick around through the bad times & the fights. i'll make up excuses for why you didn't call, why you never cared. i'll keep coming back for more even when you push me away. i think i'm just staying around so that one day when i finally do leave for good, you'll look back & say "wow, that girl really did love me." x3
Don't tell me it's over,
I still love you.
i still love you? of course i do. do i still need you? maybe, i`m not sure. i don`t know if i really need anyone. so i think i`m going to let you go now & i know it`s going to hurt ..i`ll still cry myself to sleep every night -- but eventually, i won`t cry anymore. maybe i`ll even find someone else to love & care about as much as i do for you, although .. i doubt that. <33
i want you so bad. OKAY, THERE. i
admitted it. are you finally happy? i admit
that i FELL HARD for you. harder than
i've ever fallen in my life. && you weren't
there to CATCH me.
A BEST FRIEND is the person who will sleep with the phone under their pillow, incase you wake up in the middle of the night, crying because everythings all wrong with life right now, but shes there to talk, to make things seem better again. Those times will never be forgotten