Aug 30, 2008 04:12
Today, the day after 90.000 democrats filled a Denver, Colorado stadium to hear Barack Obama, John McCain obviously suffered a mental lapse resulting from one of the most eloquent of speeches ever in the history of the Democratic Convention by the Democratic Nominee, Senator Barack Obama. It was today that Senator McCain introduced Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate to the Republican Party and the world. Senator McCain, the Republican Nominee for President of the United States since at least January of this year had several potential VPs. He even invited them to a barbeque at his Arizona home earlier this year. Expectations were soaring among the GOP for the selection to be Mitt Romney or Tim Pawleny. All of that dream evaporated today when McCain threw both prospects under the GOP tour bus! People gasped in bewilderment and shock! People reportedly are glowing at the choice! The media served in a 911 capacity trying to obtain McCains symptoms, observe the interviewee, diagnose McCains problem and spin together some kind of treatment to protect his "experience" strength! McCain today threw his republican base into standby mode to "get to know" his new mate. As a result, Democrats are having a field day! Just remember, McNoClue, is a P.O.W. or is it a war hero? Which ever! Was she wearing a flag pin anybody? She seems very odd to me! Maybe she can inspire 10,000 people to come to the Republican Convention next week! McCain couldn't! He's not "quite the looker" she is!