
Feb 05, 2007 10:02

So what to say.  These blog things are pretty neat considering you get a clean slate every time you go type one.  Every time you click on "post new blog" you get this white sketch pad that you could do almost anything with.  That's just so awesome to me.

So yeah, we had a semi-party last night.  Everyone came up and we had lasanga, ribs and birthday cake.  As far as I know everyone had a good time.  It was fun and I did enjoy it.  Karl was being Karl and stayed mainly in his room, but he did socialize for a little while and that's good for him so I can't complain.  I'm sure someone else might but oh well, I'm not too worried about that.

While the party was going on Justin's cold from this previous week seemed to escalate a little.  And then it got so late and he was so tired that he ended up almost falling asleep sitting up in the living room while he was playing with Kara, Evelyn and Zachy.  So of course we put him to bed and he fell right to sleep.  The whole thing was actually kind of cute.  Unfortunately in the middle of the night he woke up and just was having trouble breathing.  He actually never woke up but you could tell it was bothering him.  We decided to keep him in our bed for the night.  I got to spend the night next to him.  It was awful to hear him.  We probably should have called the docs then but he was still sleeping and really never actually woke up.  I guess I just couldn't bear to wake him up if he was that tired.  When he did wake up this morning we called the docs right away and they said to bring him to the ER.  They were very nice there and took very good care of my little guy.  First they put him in a johnnie, which I know is nothing, but both Karl and I wished we had brought a camera cuz he just looked too darn cute in it.  They took his temp, his pulse-ox and all the other vital stuff.  They ended up taking x-rays.  Karl took him, which at first I wanted to go but Karl said that they didn't even let him hold Justin and cuz it was so dark in there and they had this thing pointed at him Justin kind of freaked a little.  I don't think I could have handled that.  I had to do it last May when he got sick like this and it was awful.  After the x-ray we had to wait a while.  Kara did rather well considering she was really bored and after Justin's meds kicked in you could definitely tell that he was feeling a bit better.  Finally the doc came back and gave us scripts and told us what to look for and to get a follow-up appt with Justin's doc in 2-3 days.

So now we are home and Justin is still doing good.  We have to give him breathing treatments like every 3 hours which he hates but if it's going to make him feel better I'm willing to put up with a cranky kid.  Besides if he doesn't need it we don't have to do it anymore.  He's also going to be steroids for 12 days and he has amoxicilin for the two ear infections he also has.  I guess in a nut shell my baby is sick but is also getting better as we speak  :)  I love him so much and I hate to see him feeling this badly :(

I'll update more as more comes
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