My friend, the complete lunatic.

Oct 29, 2007 15:34

Monday morning - I am trying desperately to drown myself in a venti mocha with extra shots hoping to either A-alleviate my morning misery with death by caffeine drowning or B-actually wake up enough to be coherent.

My cell phone rings.  It's darling little

darthshoes.  She's downtown only 1/2 block away at a coffee shop.  Huh?  She works on the other side of town for the University.  OK, lets go see what she's up to.  Grab coffee and head out.  5 minutes later I just stare.  Yup, there she is.  In the middle of downtown at 9:00 on a Monday morning.  In front of a hugely popular coffee shop.... decked out head to toe like a pirate and waving a plastic sword at people and yelling "Aaaargh!!!!".  She then spotted me waved and yelled "I'm being paid $60 to do this!!!"

It's called the Go Game ( and is apparently some sort of team building extra fun corporate event.  All I know is that while I shivered a few feet away I watched at least two teams come up to her armed with cell phones, digital cameras, and GPS units.  She would snarl and growl and tell them in a cheesy voice that they had to ask her 20 questions.  When they got the answer to her favorite food, Wonder Bread (that alone is funny since she is allergic to gluten and can't eat the stuff) she would hand a piece to a team member who was required to snarf it as fast as he could.  As a reward for this she gave them a password to enter into their cell phone. "Tasty".  This then required them to perform some sort of creative dancing for an online video to be emailed out to receive the next clue.

I want to say it was interesting that while men always ended up eating the bread, not one of them remembered that speedy trick from childhood on how to eat Wonder Bread fast.  The women all remembered it and yelled it out to the guys while they chewed.  The stuff can be compressed into one small ball the size of a golf ball or even smaller.  Wad up bread, stuff ball in mouth, chew.  But the guys all did it the hard way, bite by bite.  And they had to show their tongue to prove they ate it.  Personally I can sum up my feelings about Wonder Bread in one work.... YACK!!!  Sorry babe, I grew up on home baked whole grain bread and hoome made granola white bread is about as welcome to my system as a yeast infection... no pun intended.

I watched two different teams then perform their little dance.  On team lined up like a chorus line and did a high kick number, another sent a single member up to swing around a lightpost like a chimp.  Bystanders had a ball watching this going on.

Uh, yeah... ok.  I waved goodbye to my friend who sent me off with a cry of "walk the lank ye land lubber!" just as I stepped into the street.

The last thing I saw was a red headed pirate waving at passerbys with her plastic sword.  And grinning ear to ear like a loon.  I must say, I was certainly awake after that.  Maybe she'll use part of the $60 to buy me lunch..   So long as it isn't sandwiches.
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