Hey, sorry for flooding the comm...

Mar 31, 2008 18:33

Description: Duo reflects on Heero and Relena’s relationship. Some frank language, but that’s to be expected, isn’t it?


Heero isn’t straight.

He isn’t gay, either. If I thought he was, I might have made a move, and that wouldn’t have worked out well. Not that I’m gay. I’m more of a guy who takes affection where he can find it. And that, I guess, is the problem with our compatibility. I’m an outwardly affectionate person. Heero isn’t. I need to express my affection physically, and have it expressed physically in return. Heero, for his part, needs space and time and affection expressed through glances and tiny smiles and someone changing the entire world for him so he can lead a different life.

Getting ahead of myself here, aren’t I?

Heero most definitely isn’t bisexual. That would mean considering more than one sex as a potential partner, which means more than one person, and that’s where the crux of the issue lies.

Heero is completely, one hundred percent Relena-sexual.

Yeah, I can hear you laughing, but I swear it’s true. Heero doesn’t realise that other people might be sexual beings in relation to himself. He has problems enough realising that other people than Relena might love him in a non-romantic way, although careful observation of others, me and Quatre in particular, is starting to clue him in.

So how did this situation come to be, you wonder?

I think it begins with his upbringing. I thought he’d been raised by Doctor J, but apparently there was someone else involved before him, someone named Odin. Heero hasn’t told me much about him, but apparently he raised Heero in as big isolation as the good old mad scientist did. Basically, what this means is that the dear sweet princess was pretty much the first person his own age who spoke to Heero. She was the first person, period, who openly showed concern for him. She was the first person to ask him on a date (or whatever; school dance, and Heero’s just about the only man I know who would unashamedly admit that she was leading). She’s the first person who seems genuinely interested in making sure he lives. And then, right before he heads off to fight his future brother-in-law at the end of the war, Heero hugs her, and it’s not only his first true hug, it’s the first time he physically shows affection for someone.

Or so I imagine. When I try to ask him these things, he just looks at me with that blank what-planet-are-you-from look. Like I’m the weirdo.

Heero doesn’t realise it, but he was completely fixated on her from the moment she placed herself between him and my gun. It’s actually something of a privilege, you know. I got to witness the beginning of the strangest romance of the AC era.

Not that I think either of them were in love with each other at that point. Relena was just fascinated by him and showing her usual compassion. Heero, for his part, suddenly had to deal with an entirely new type of relationship with a person. One based on caring, not on how useful he’d be.

But how did this go on to become a romantic, sexual relationship, I hear you ask. Well, if they’d been five years younger or ten years older, I don’t think it would have. But it happened when they were fifteen, smack in the middle of puberty, with all sorts of interesting hormones running through their bodies. Now, Heero might have been pretty advanced when it came to killing people, but he didn’t know anything about relating to them, and I doubt he’d ever even masturbated before. (Not that I’m ever going to ask him that. He might not kill anymore, but I bet he could make me wish he did.)

Relena had spent her entire life surrounded by people that were either older than her or who treated her like something above them. No wonder she was so drawn to Heero. He was the first person her own age who didn’t fawn at her feet. Relena was looking for someone who acted like he was her equal, and bam, there he was.

So there they are, poor things, completely fixated on each other, and puberty hits them like a ton of bricks. So because they’re always thinking about each other, they’d be doing that when they started to...explore. So Heero’s discovering that moving his hand like this feels pretty good, and then he starts thinking about big, blue eyes and a sad smile and brownish-blond hair and suddenly...uhn. And Relena is letting her thoughts wander and her hands drift south and she keeps seeing intense, dark eyes and messy hair and calloused hands that could crush her skull but she imagines they could be gentle and, oh, that feels good... But being a bit more in tune with the rest of humanity she knows she’s got other options, but that doesn’t matter, because she’s got Heero, and if she won’t have him he’ll remain celibate for the rest of his life. Because for him it’s Relena or none. Zip. Finito.

I just hope they touch each other more in private than they do in public, or I’m never going to be an uncle.


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